Archive | September, 2014

The Journey – September 2014 Update

11 Sep

Hey hey – It’s been awhile. Thinking about a few things lately and felt the need to journal a bit.

As of the 4th of July week, I was down to 283lbs. Still as big as a whale, but a far cry from the 334lbs. I started at. 51lbs. if truth be told.

Well vacation week was fantastic and I denied myself nothing. I ate, drank, and was merry all the week long with the best of intentions to get back on track the day I got home. That day came….and subsequently went.

Since then, I’m been off and on with working out and eating right. I always seem to start the week out right w/pretty good eating habits and a Monday workout….usually. But then something comes up, or I’m too tired, or going out to dinner sounds good, or friends want to meet for drinks and it’s been too easy for the bad habits to creep back in. I haven’t been getting all the workouts in. 1 or 2 a week isn’t cutting it. Sometimes I haven’t made it at all. Free day Sunday, where I allow my self every guilt-free indulgence, has pretty much turned into Free Weekend. And sometimes, due to summer and vacation days, has turned into free 3.5-day weekends, etc.

What I’m getting at is I’ve ballooned back up to 299lbs. since I fell out of good habits. Well, anywyas, today is 9/11 (ugh, I know….terrible memories), and this week I got myself recommitted to a healthier lifestyle again. I’m glad I didn’t fall too far from grace, but if I don’t recommit, I know I’ll be right back where I started beginning of February. How depressing that thought seems. So F*ck It. I ain’t doin’ that.

What I noticed really the most, wasn’t the waistline growing again. That really hasn’t been that big of a deal. It’s the lack of energy. That energy level was just skyrocketing and I’ve been back to feeling like my old lethargic self.

I am pleased to report that this week I’ve ate right all week. I’ve been to the gym everyday. Monday wasn’t pleasant. Tuesday wasn’t much better. Today. I feel great! And ready to go. It really doesn’t take that much to get back on the wagon if you haven’t let yourself fall too far. The nice thing about being fat, is it falls off fast, especially when you’re just beginning and losing all that water. This is like beginning again and I’m already back down to 293lbs. It’s all water, I know, but before, just eating reasonably healthy, watching portions, and a modest 30-min a day at the gym, it was simple to lose 1-2lbs. every single week. It doesn’t seem like much, it doesn’t readily show, but that’s 50-100lbs. in a year! And that’s my kind of program and loss level.

Anyways, I’m back. New goal is to be under 283lbs. (my lowest weight I can remember in at least a decade and probably more) by my cruise in mid October. I’m even optomistic I can post a bathing suit photo. It still won’t be pretty, but it will be pretty good progress.

Peace & love to you all,